Happening live at FUOYE (Federal University oye ekiti).

There is confusion in front of the school gate this afternoon . The school security found three head in a student's bag. A girl about 20 years old, with a big handbag boarded a cab heading to school gate.The driver being vibrant felt a strong smell coming from the girl's handbag .The horrible smell made the driver suspicious. When he got to the school main gate he raised alarm they held the girl and beckoned on the school security to search the girl's bag . Many people were afraid not knowing what was happening . One of the security was shocked when he opened the girl's bag and found three heads in the girl's bag. After cross examination of the heads, the school securities found out that the heads were known heads.
It was the head of turkey, fowl , and duck.
I appreciate your effort in reading this.
You can continue what you were doing.
If you are angry, come and beat me I dey my sit🤭🤭🤭

Chimpanzees have cleaner beds than humans, say scientists

The researchers swabbed Chimpanzee beds in Tanzania
Chimpanzee beds are cleaner than those of humans because, unlike us, the animals change their “sheets” every night, a new study has found.
The great apes build complex tree nests out of branches and leaves each day which contain fewer body bacteria than beds in most human households.

By contrast, human beds are teeming teeming with faecal, oral or skin bacteria, according to the new investigation by North Carolina State University. Compared with human beds, the chimp nests had a much greater variety of bugs.
However, they were far less likely to harbour "dirty" faecal, oral or skin bacteria.
"We know that human homes are effectively their own ecosystems, and human beds often contain a subset of the taxa - or types - of organisms found in the home,” said Megan Thoemmes, who led the research in Tanzania.
"For example, about 35 per cent of bacteria in human beds stem from our own bodies, including faecal, oral and skin bacteria.
"We wanted to know how this compares with some of our closest evolutionary relatives, the chimpanzees, which make their own beds daily."
"We found almost none of those microbes in the chimpanzee nests, which was a little surprising,"

Chimpanzees build their own beds each night
Chimpanzees build their own beds each night CREDIT: PA
The scientists were similarly surprised when they tried to vacuum up parasitic arthropods - fleas and lice - from the chimpanzee nests.
They expected to find hoards of the bloodsuckers, but collected no more than a handful.
Ms Thoemmes said: "There were only four ectoparasites found, across all the nests we looked at.
And that's four individual specimens, not four different species."
She added: "This work really highlights the role that man-made structures play in shaping the ecosystems of our immediate environment.
"In some ways, our attempts to create a clean environment for ourselves may actually make our surroundings less ideal."
Published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, the study is the first to compare the composition of species found in contemporary human homes to that of other structures built by mammals, including those of non-human primates.
The beds made by great apes, be they chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos or orangutans, are typically used for a single night and then abandoned.
One explanation for such movement is that the practice decreases the ability of pathogens and pests to build up at a sleeping site and reduces the microbial odours associated with the individual that might attract predators.


Sleeping on the bicycle allowed at las


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