How I Tried Meditation for the First Time and What I Learned
I have always been curious about meditation, but I never really gave it a try. I thought it was too hard, too boring, or too woo-woo for me. But recently, I decided to challenge myself and try something new. I wanted to see if meditation could help me reduce stress, improve my focus, and enhance my well-being.
So, I downloaded a popular meditation app on my phone and signed up for a free trial. The app promised to guide me through the basics of meditation and help me develop a daily habit. It also had a variety of sessions to choose from, depending on my mood, goal, or time available.
I decided to start with a 10-minute session called “Introduction to Meditation”. The app instructed me to find a comfortable and quiet place to sit, close my eyes, and breathe deeply. Then, a soothing voice started to talk me through the process of meditation. The voice told me to pay attention to my breath, notice any sensations in my body, and gently bring my attention back to the present moment whenever my mind wandered.
At first, I found it hard to follow the instructions. My mind was racing with thoughts about work, family, and other things. I felt restless and impatient. I kept checking the time and wondering how long this would last. I also felt self-conscious and silly. Was I doing this right? Was this really helping me?
But as the session went on, I started to relax a bit more. I noticed that my breathing became slower and deeper. I felt some tension in my shoulders and neck melt away. I became more aware of the sounds around me, like the birds chirping outside or the clock ticking on the wall. I also became more curious about my thoughts and feelings, instead of judging them or trying to change them.
By the end of the session, I felt surprisingly calm and refreshed. I opened my eyes and smiled. I had just completed my first meditation session! It was not as hard or boring as I thought it would be. It was actually quite enjoyable and interesting.
I learned a few things from this experience:
Meditation is not about emptying your mind or achieving some mystical state. It is about being present and aware of your experience in the moment.
Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all practice. You can find what works best for you, whether it is guided or unguided, short or long, focused or open.
Meditation is not a quick fix or a magic pill. It is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. It is also a habit that requires consistency and commitment.
Meditation can have many benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health. It can help you reduce stress, improve your focus, enhance your well-being, and more.
I decided to continue with my meditation challenge and see what else I could learn from it. I also decided to share my experience with you, my dear readers, in case you are interested in trying meditation for yourself.
If you are curious about meditation and want to give it a try, here are some tips that might help you:
Find a meditation app or website that suits your needs and preferences. There are many options out there, so do some research and see what appeals to you.
Start small and simple. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too much information or too high expectations. Just pick a session that sounds interesting and give it a go.
Be patient and gentle with yourself. Don’t worry about doing it perfectly or getting it right. Just do your best and enjoy the process.
Be consistent and flexible. Try to meditate every day, even if it is just for a few minutes. But also be flexible and adapt to your circumstances. If you miss a day or have a busy schedule, don’t beat yourself up or give up. Just resume your practice when you can.
Have fun and experiment. Don’t take meditation too seriously or too rigidly. Have fun with it and experiment with different styles, techniques, and topics. Find what works for you and what makes you happy.
I hope this story inspired you to try something new and challenge yourself. Maybe meditation is not your thing, but maybe there is something else that you have always wanted to try but never did.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and try it!
Let me know in the comments below what you think of this story and if you have any questions or suggestions for me.
Thank you for reading!
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